Update - We are working with our cloud partner to get an ETA on addressing this capacity issue. We will update when we get more information.
Jul 22, 2024 - 15:58 UTC
Identified - Our cloud service provider Azure is experiencing resource shortages in westus3 impacting operations on AuraDB and AuraDS located in this region.
Meanwhile this gets addressed we advise our customers to delay operations (Create, Resize, Clone, Backup, Load) where possible as these may not complete successfully.

Jul 22, 2024 - 12:15 UTC

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Aura Console (console.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Enterprise (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Enterprise on AWS (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Enterprise on Azure (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Enterprise on GCP (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Professional (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Professional on AWS (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Professional on Azure (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDB Professional on GCP (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS Enterprise (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS Enterprise on AWS (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS Enterprise on Azure (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS Enterprise on GCP (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS on AWS (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS on Azure (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AuraDS on GCP (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
Aura API (api.neo4j.io) Operational
AuraDB Free (*.databases.neo4j.io) ? Operational
Neo4j User Tools Operational
Bloom (bloom.neo4j.io) ? Operational
Browser (browser.neo4j.io) ? Operational
Data Importer (data-importer.neo4j.io) ? Operational
Ops Manager (ops-manager.neo4j.io) ? Operational
AWS (Amazon Web Services) ? Operational
AWS ec2-ap-south-1 Operational
AWS eks-ap-south-1 Operational
AWS s3-ap-south-1 Operational
AWS ec2-ap-southeast-2 Operational
AWS eks-ap-southeast-2 Operational
AWS s3-ap-southeast-2 Operational
AWS s3-ca-central-1 Operational
AWS ec2-ca-central-1 Operational
AWS eks-eu-central-1 Operational
AWS s3-eu-central-1 Operational
AWS ec2-eu-central-1 Operational
AWS eks-eu-west-1 Operational
AWS ec2-eu-west-1 Operational
AWS s3-eu-west-1 Operational
AWS s3-eu-west-2 Operational
AWS eks-eu-west-2 Operational
AWS ec2-eu-west-2 Operational
AWS ec2-eu-west-3 Operational
AWS eks-eu-west-3 Operational
AWS s3-eu-west-3 Operational
AWS eks-us-east-1 Operational
AWS s3-us-east-1 Operational
AWS eks-us-east-2 Operational
AWS ec2-us-east-2 Operational
AWS s3-us-east-2 Operational
AWS s3-us-west-2 Operational
AWS eks-us-west-2 Operational
AWS ec2-us-west-2 Operational
AWS ec2-ap-northeast-2 Operational
AWS s3-ap-northeast-2 Operational
AWS eks-ap-northeast-2 Operational
AWS eks-ap-southeast-1 Operational
AWS s3-ap-southeast-1 Operational
AWS ec2-ap-southeast-1 Operational
AWS eks-eu-north-1 Operational
AWS s3-eu-north-1 Operational
AWS ec2-eu-north-1 Operational
AWS ec2-sa-east-1 Operational
AWS eks-sa-east-1 Operational
AWS s3-sa-east-1 Operational
Azure (Microsoft Cloud Computing Services) Degraded Performance
Azure AKS Operational
Azure Private Link Operational
Azure Cloud Services (Compute) Degraded Performance
Azure Storage Services Operational
GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Services ? Operational
Google Cloud Platform Google Kubernetes Engine Operational
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Storage Operational
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Datastore Operational
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Networking Operational
Google Cloud Platform Google Compute Engine Operational
Google Cloud Platform Identity & Access Management Operational
Component 3rd Party Services Operational
User Authentication (Auth0) ? Operational
Customer Support Portal (support.neo4j.com) ? Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 24, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 22, 2024

Unresolved incident: Azure capacity issues in westus3 region affecting some operations.

Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024
Resolved - We have now resolved and validated the fix.
For any instance created during this incident we recommend deleting it and starting the process again to avoid the capacity issue.

Jul 19, 17:07 UTC
Monitoring - We have put in place measures to leverage capacity in other regions and users will now be able to create and manage databases normally.
Monitoring for some time before we close this incident

Jul 19, 12:18 UTC
Update - We have some infrastructure capacity issues in asia-southeast1 and creation of new instances for users in this region may fail.
We are still investigating this issue and will update shortly.

Jul 19, 07:05 UTC
Update - We have some infrastructure capacity issues in asia-southeast1 and creation of new instances for users in this region may fail. We are working on addressing this issue and will update shortly.
Jul 18, 19:21 UTC
Identified - We have some infrastructure capacity issues in asia-southeast1 and creation of new instances for users in this region may fail. We are working on addressing this issue and will update shortly.
Jul 18, 10:09 UTC
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 17, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 16, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 15, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.